When you are looking for a new car insurance policy, the sheer number of factors and options that influence your potential rates can be overwhelming. Knowing how these factors influence rate quotes can help you to determine which policy will be best for your needs.
Where You Live
One of the first pieces of information any insurance agent will want when you request a quote will be your zip code. Base insurance rates are determined by geographical area and the associated statistics for car accidents and car claims in that area. Base rates may be higher in urban areas where traffic congestion, accidents, and claims are higher; in rural areas with fewer drivers, accidents, and claims, base rates may be lower.
Who You Are
Just as the base rate for a geographic area depends on statistics for that area, the statistic associated with your gender, age, and marital status influence your insurance rate. Younger drivers in their late teens with little driving experience and elderly drivers with encroaching health issues face higher rates as do male drivers versus female drivers. Married drivers often receive a lower rate as well. There are a handful of states that do not allow insurers to rate based on gender, age, or marital status; be sure to ask your insurance agent about your state.
What Your Record Says
A good agent will also ask about your driving record and your insurance claims record, and they may even request a check of your credit record. Be up front about any strikes on your driving record as this is legal information that is public record. If you have had several claims, you may need to explain in writing how those claims happened if they were not your fault. Any issues on your credit record should be explained as well. There are a few states that do not allow credit record checks for insurance purposes, so be sure to ask your agent.
Why You Need Coverage
If your auto policy is for business purposes rather than personal use, your rates will reflect the different coverages and liabilities needed to offer full coverage for your business. The type of vehicle and the average annual mileage will also impact the final cost of your auto policy.
If you are searching for the best options in Jacksonville, Florida, to meet your car insurance, medical insurance, or health insurance needs for both personal policies and businesses, contact our insurance agency for a confidential, thorough, and one-on-one consultation. We work with many providers to get the best possible rates for our customers.
For any Insurance questions, please feel free to contact us at the Della Porta Group.