If you own a car, it’s important that you get an auto insurance policy from an insurance agency you can trust for adequate and affordable coverage. In spite of it being mandatory, you may wonder if having car insurance is really necessary. There are various reasons why you should have coverage even if you think you’re a safe driver.
Insurance Helps You Save Money
When you have auto insurance, it helps you save money in the long run. If you were to get into an accident without insurance, regardless of whether it is your fault, you would have to pay out of your own pocket for any damages to your vehicle. Car insurance coverage typically includes collision, comprehensive, property liability, and bodily injury liability to help cover the costs of a claim. It's wise to speak with an insurance agent about your options when you sign up for coverage.
Insurance Protects Yourself and Others
With car insurance, you can protect yourself, your passengers, and other drivers. If you get into an accident, you can use insurance coverage to pay for the medical expenses of anyone who suffers an injury as a result. Generally, car insurance policies tend to pay a specific amount toward medical expenses and pain and suffering. This is typically in the range of around $20,000 to $40,000 per person.
Insurance Saves Time and Effort
If you get into an accident and your vehicle is damaged, it can be a major hassle to find and arrange for repairs from a reputable auto body shop. Many insurance companies have long-standing relationships with local shops, and they can direct you to a professional company that you can trust. In many cases, your policy will also cover the costs of towing your vehicle and provide a rental car while your own vehicle undergoes repairs.
Insurance Provides Peace of Mind
Unfortunately, car accidents are inevitable and happen to nearly everyone at some point. It can be a big problem if you and the other driver don’t have car insurance. However, even if you have coverage and the other driver does not have insurance or has a limited policy, you can enjoy peace of mind that you will be protected in the case of an accident with such a driver.
If you live in Jacksonville and need car insurance, speak with an agent at the Della Porta Group to learn about your options at your earliest convenience.