Nobody likes to pay more for car insurance than they have to. That’s why you may want to shop around for the best rates and try to find discount offers online or through various club memberships. Many drivers think that’s all they can do to save money on insurance.
But there are several other factors that an insurance agency must consider when calculating your insurance premiums. Here are three of the most important ones.
1. Your Credit Score
If you live here in Jacksonville -- or literally anywhere other than California, Hawaii or Massachusetts -- then your credit impacts the amount of money that you will have to pay for car insurance.
So here are some things you can do to improve your credit rating and save some money on your insurance bill:
• Pay all your bills on time
• Pay down your credit card balances right away
• Increase your credit card limits
• Increase your income
2. Your Driving Record
Your driving record is another factor that will increase or decrease your premiums. If you have auto accidents and traffic tickets on your record, your monthly insurance bills are definitely going to be higher than necessary.
In some states, you will have the option to keep speeding tickets off your record by taking a safe driving course. Otherwise, the best you can do is just commit to driving more safely going forward.
Here are a few safe driving tips:
• Read your state’s driver handbook and follow all traffic laws
• Leave 10-20 minutes early so you aren’t tempted to speed
• On the freeway, just pick one of the middle lanes and stay in it all the way to your off-ramp
3. Your Type of Vehicle
The type of vehicle that you drive will also influence your insurance costs. Expensive, brand-new luxury vehicles, off-road vehicles and sports cars will increase your insurance premiums. But more economical cars with high safety ratings will bring them down.
If you’re shopping around for a new vehicle for you or your family, ask your insurance agent about what kinds of vehicles incur the highest and lowest insurance costs.
Some good choices might include:
• Minivans
• SUVs
• Mid-sized sedans
• Used cars
Saving money on car insurance can be easier when you consistently commit to driving safely, paying your bills on time and owning safe, economical cars.