The best way to start a search for Medicare or any combination of health coverage is with an experienced independent insurance agency. With no obligation to any particular insurance provider, the insurance agent can look for various coverage, prices, and values in the Jacksonville area.
What Is Medicare and When Can You Get It?
Medicare is the national health insurance program for older Americans. Most people get Medicare when eligible at age 65 by paying the Medicare taxes while working; if you have certain severe illnesses or conditions, you may qualify before age 65. You qualify by having a minimum number of covered quarter-year periods in which you paid the taxes.
It is important to begin planning for Medicare before your 65th birthday. You can apply for Medicare in the three months before and after the month in which your 65th birthday occurs. This 7-month window allows you time to sign up and avoid penalties for late registration.
Original Medicare
Medicare offers government-run medical insurance and private health insurance of several kinds. The first choice that one must make is to pick between the government-run original Medicare and the private companies offering Medicare Advantage in Jacksonville.
The original Medicare consists of Medicare Part A Hospital insurance and Medicare Part B Medical Insurance. You can also add Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Benefits. This type of coverage lets you select your medical providers. You pay a monthly fee for part B, and most enrollees receive Part A from lifetime work and payroll payments.
Medicare Advantage
Medicare Advantage is private insurance; these plans must meet or exceed the benefits available under original Medicare. This is managed care like the HMO or PPO you previously had independently or from your employer. The private plans can be comprehensive and include medical, prescription, and dental coverage.
There Are Many Medicare Choices
All insurance involves choices and expenses such as deductibles and copays. Allow the Della Porta Group to help you find the best combination for you and your family.