Even if you prepare your home in Jacksonville for a hurricane in every conceivable way, it's often impossible to fully protect yourself from flooding. While residents of Florida are all familiar with the powerful winds and torrential rain associated with hurricanes, not all homeowners are prepared for the eventuality of a swollen river or lake flooding through their neighborhood. However, rushing waters can do far more damage to your home than fallen tree branches or flying debris. Floods can sometimes destroy everything on the ground floor of your home, and damage often extends into the attic or second story.
What Is Flood Coverage?
Flood coverage is a kind of insurance that specifically protects the value of your home against the type of damage caused by flooding. Most home insurance plans don't cover this damage, which can leave you in the lurch after a hurricane has swept through your area. If you live in an area that is at risk for floods, you may be required to purchase this line of insurance. For many homeowners, though, purchasing flood coverage is optional.
Is Flood Coverage Worth It?
While coastal areas in hurricane-prone regions are the most at risk for floods, floods can occur anywhere. Flooding can cause hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of damage, and you'll have to foot this bill yourself if you don't have flood coverage. Most flood coverage plans cost less than $1,000 per year, which means that this type of insurance should more than pay for itself even if you only experience one flood during the entire time that you own your home.
How Do You Purchase Flood Coverage?
You can purchase flood coverage from any home insurance agency. The right insurance agency will also talk you through everything that you need to know about preparing for a flood and what you can expect after the waters have passed. Purchasing this type of insurance is easy, and you'll be able to rest assured knowing that your property is protected no matter what the stormy weather may bring.
Flood damage isn't something that should be left to chance. Equipping yourself with flood coverage is a cost-effective way to protect your investment.
Contact us at The Della Porta Group for more information.